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A strong pedigree

IPSE has been representing the interests of the self-employed since 1999. IPSE was originally formed as the Professional Contractors Group to provide independent contractors and consultants with a representative voice in opposition to the original IR35 proposals. 

Over time IPSE evolved from being a single-issue campaign group to a fully-fledged, not-for-profit professional body, and into the largest association of self employed in the UK.

We've had some notable successes over the years:
  • Protection from IR35: IPSE has successfully helped thousands of members with IR35. Thanks to our expert advice and insurance, freelancers who are IPSE members are half as likely to pay extra tax under IR35 than those who aren’t. 
  • Small Business Commissioner: we were instrumental in establishing this newly created Government post, aimed at naming and shaming companies with a late payment culture.  
  • Modern Employment Review: IPSE called for and directly fed into the Government-commissioned review of solo working published in 2017, and has joined a Ministerial advisory panel on how the review will be implemented.
  • Tax relief for work-related travel and subsistence: in 2015 the Government announced it was planning to curtail the vital tax freelancers rely on for work travel. IPSE’s extensive lobbying and media campaign ensured the plans were shelved. 
  • Intra-company transfers: these rules allow companies to transfer specialist staff between countries to address skills shortages, but are sometimes exploited to reduce contractors’ fees. IPSE successfully brought about a change in the rules to tackle this exploitation.
  • Section 660 win in the House of Lords: IPSE successfully backed two members all the way to the House of Lords in a case involving punitive and retrospective changes to tax law, and the case was consequently thrown out.

For more information on IPSE’s current campaigning work visit the Policy section of the site.

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IPSE Board of Directors

The Chair and Directors of IPSE are responsible for the organisation's strategic direction. All are non-executive directors and from time-to-time they may appoint executive directors as required. IPSE's executive team look after the day-to-day operations of the organisation. 

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IPSE Senior Leadership Team

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IPSE Documents

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  • Financial statements
  • AGM minutes
  • Articles of Association
  • Other reports
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IPSE Members Forum

The Members’ Forum will bring IPSE and members even closer together making IPSE more democratic and giving us all the opportunity to develop a dynamic and positive dialogue to truly represent and be the voice of the wider membership. Here are your Forum Leaders

To contact the Members' Forum, please email [email protected]

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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT