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Membership at a glance

Your self-employed business - backed by one membership.

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Membership tailored to your way of working

From side hustles and freelancers to limited company directors and umbrella company workers, the world of self-employment is incredibly diverse. That's why IPSE membership is tailored to the different ways in which self-employed people work.  

Whether you're looking to join a Community of self-employed professionals, want to Kickstart your career in self-employment, or are already established as a Freelancer, Director, or Umbrella worker, we have a membership for you.

Explore our five membership categories at a glance below.

Image block 3 Kickstart me Kickstart me

Our five membership categories

Community membership

With an IPSE Community membership, you'll gain access to vital benefits that help you simplify self-employment and grow your network. 

Free co-working, premium guides and templates, money-saving offers, tax and legal helplines, and more are all included to support you in scaling your business. Be part of something bigger as you join a community of like-minded individuals. 

AnnualSave 15%

Most suitable for you if

You are looking to grow your network and access vital knowledge and tools for your business.

£9.98 per month

Upgrade or cancel any time

Benefits include:

  • Tax and legal helplines
  • IPSE Offers
  • Unlimited co-working
  • Business Hub
  • Events, networking & training
  • Member directory
  • Campaigning
  • Advice and guidance
  • Discounted contract review
  • 1-2-1 Success Sessions

Kickstart membership

From expert support to income protection, the Kickstart membership has everything you need to bring your business idea to life. 

In addition to receiving all the benefits of a Community membership, Kickstart members also have access to the IPSE Incubator, a 12-month programme to help you launch a successful business; and illness and injury cover to protect your income as you’re starting out. 

AnnualSave 15%

Most suitable for you if

You are in the early stages of your self-employed career or if you’re about to start your business.

£16 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £1,500
  • IPSE incubator

Freelancer membership

The ultimate toolkit for freelancers. In addition to receiving all the benefits of a Community membership, Freelancer members also have access to vital protections to help them minimise risk and protect their income such as cover for illness and injury, jury service, tax & VAT investigation, contract failure, and managed service company investigations.   

AnnualSave 15%

Most suitable for you if

You provide your services or products as a sole trader or freelancer.

£24 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £1,500
  • Jury service cover up to £2,500 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £50k, £250 per day for loss of earnings up to £750
  • Managed service company cover
  • Contract failure cover up to £1,000

Umbrella membership

Umbrella members have access to vital protections to help them minimise risk and protect their income such as cover for jury service and umbrella default, as well as run-off IR35 enquiries cover.   

It’s especially practical for those may need cover for historical contracts that could be at risk for an IR35 investigation. 

AnnualSave 15%

Most suitable for you if

You provide your services via an umbrella company.

£24 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Jury service cover up to £2,500 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £50k
  • Run-off IR35 enquiry cover for legal fees up to £25k
  • Umbrella default cover up to £3,000

Director membership

Director members also have access to vital protections to help them minimise risk and protect their income. 

Get peace of mind as you’ll be covered for tax investigation, illness and injury. Never be in doubt with 24/7 tax and legal helplines, specialised webinars and dedicated templates to help you grow your business. Save those pennies with thousands of money saving offers on technology, weekly shops and the holidays that you deserve. 

AnnualSave 15%

Most suitable for you if

You run your business as a Limited company.

£35 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £2,000
  • Jury service cover up to £5,000 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £100k, £500 per day for loss of earnings up to £1,500
  • Managed service company cover
  • Contract failure cover up to £1,000
  • Tax pre-dispute cover
  • End client or agency failure cover up to £10k for loss of earnings
  • Member support programme

Hear from our members

Join thousands of self-employed members who are forging their own path with us by their side.

Membership Comparison

Membership icon
Membership icon
Membership icon
Membership icon
Membership icon
Tax and legal helplines
IPSE offers
Unlimited co-working
Business Hub
Events, networking & training
Member directory
Advice and guidance
Discounted contract review
1-2-1 success sessions
IPSE Incubator
Illness and injury cover
Up to £1,500
Up to £1,500
Up to £2,000
Jury service cover
Up to £2,500 per claim
Up to £2,500 per claim
Up to £5,000 per claim
Tax & VAT investigation cover
Cover for legal fees up to £50k
Cover for legal fees up to £50k, £250 per day for loss of earnings up to £750
Up to £100k for legal fees, £500 per day for loss of earnings up to £1,500 (including IR35 cover)
Managed Service Company cover
Contract failure cover
Up to £1,000
Up to £1,000
Run-off IR35 enquiry cover
Cover for legal fees up to £25k
Umbrella default cover
Up to £3,000
Tax pre-dispute cover
End client or agency failure cover
Up to £10k for loss of earnings
Member support programme
£9.98 per month
Upgrade or cancel any time
£16 per month
*minimum annual subscription
£24 per month
*minimum annual subscription
£24 per month
*minimum annual subscription
£35 per month
*minimum annual subscription

Still unsure which membership is right for you?

Take the questionnaire below to find out which category is perfect for your way of working.

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Reach out to the IPSE membership team for all of your queries about membership on 0208 897 9970 or through our contact form.

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Book a call back with our membership team to discuss how IPSE can support you and your business, at a time that suits you best.


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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT