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IPSE Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our Annual General Meeting is the ideal time to find out more about IPSE – the current organisational status, financial performance in the previous year, and the plans for the next 12 months.

IPSE Annual General Meeting

The 2024 AGM will be held at 5-5:40pm on Thursday 13th February 2025.

The AGM is being held via Zoom and at 22 Bishopsgate, London where there will be very limited facilities (please email [email protected] by Friday 7th February if you would like to attend in person).


During the AGM members will be voting on the following resolutions:

1.     That the minutes of the 2023 AGM be received

2.     That the 2024 Directors Report and Accounts be received

3.     That the existing auditors, Menzies LLP, be appointed as auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 30 April 2025

Recommendation: The directors consider that all the resolutions to be put to the meeting are in the best interests of IPSE and its members as a whole and recommend that you vote or instruct your proxy to vote for ALL the resolutions.

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To attend the AGM via Zoom please register by clicking the link below:

Register here
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Voting can be done via Zoom, live during the meeting or you can register your proxy in advance of the meeting. To ensure voting on Zoom is secure please log in to the meeting at 4:50pm so that we can verify your IPSE membership before the AGM begins.

To make a proxy vote in advance of the meeting, please use the link below.

Submit your proxy vote

IPSE AGM documents 2024


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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT