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IPSE Offers

IPSE offers its members a wide variety of deals at preferential rates. Search the below categories and find your perfect deal.

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Partner offers

We work with our partners to provide the products you need to run your business - at preferential rates.

View a variety of exclusive deals, for our self-employed members, direct from IPSE's partners. Click the find out more button to see how you can access these deals.

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Listing logo Markel

Markel Direct

IPSE members get 10% discount on contractor insurance from Markel Direct.

Markel offer specialist insurance combined with unique support services for contractors, small businesses, tradespeople, charities and community groups.

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Listing logo Chase de Vere
Chase de Vere

Free initial consultation & complimentary home buyers' protection for IPSE members.

Chase de Vere, established in 1969, is a leading independent financial advisory firm offering bespoke, adviser-led financial planning. Benefit from support on tax planning, pension planning, income protection, savings and investments, mortgage assistance, and estate planning.

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Listing logo AA

The AA

Up to 69% off business breakdown cover for plus members.

Running a company with vehicles at its heart means that staying still isn’t an option. The AA’s business breakdown cover will make sure your drivers get back on the road quickly – and with minimum disruption – if the worst happens. All you need to do is choose the right level of cover for you.

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Listing logo Mazuma


Get a free accountancy healthcheck and 15% off for the first 6 months

Mazuma understand the daily stresses involved in running a small business. Their hassle-free subscription based accounting services can take one of those stresses off your hands. They help start-ups, sole traders, small businesses, freelancers and Limited companies with all aspects of their accounts and tax.

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Where you can find exclusive deals and discounts, to help save you and your business both time and money.

Take a look through the sections of the Marketplace below to find the service you need, as well as find out details of the company and how you can get exclusive discounts and offers with your IPSE membership.

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Listing logo Freelancer magazine

Freelancer Magazine

IPSE members receive the first issue of Freelancer Magazine for free!

If you're a freelancer, get this mag in your life and become part of the most generous and inspiring freelance community.

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Listing logo Integro

Integro Accounting

IPSE members receive first month FREE when signing up with Integro. 

Choose an accountant with integrity. Trusted accountancy advice from 5/5 rated accountants. Tax advice and support for Limited Company Contractor, Freelancers and SME’s.

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Listing logo The CV Interview Advisors

The CV & Interview Advisors

IPSE members receive a 15% discount on a range of services

The CV & Interview Advisors have worked with independent professionals for nearly 20 years. During this time, they have assisted thousands of professionals and executives in nearly every sector and at all levels.

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Listing logo Bright Ideas Accountancy 2

Bright Ideas Accountancy

IPSE members get the first month completely free

Bright Ideas Accountancy is a leading provider of accounting services tailored specifically for contractors, freelancers, and small business owners operating through limited companies or as self-employed.

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Listing logo English Heritage

English Heritage

IPSE members receive a 25% discount

At English Heritage, we believe in history we can all enjoy and experience together, on extraordinary days out.

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IPSE Rewards*

The IPSE Rewards platform has been designed to make it as easy as possible for you to take advantage of all the offers available.

Through the IPSE Rewards platform, IPSE members can access a wide collection of offers and savings from some of the UK’s biggest brands. Save on your weekly shop, the latest tech, your next holiday and more.


*Please be aware this benefit has a 2 week waiting period before access is granted. 

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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT