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Reform’s freelance tax pledge will shake up election, says IPSE

IPSE reacts to Reform UK's pledge to scrap IR35 rules as part of its 2024 election manifesto.

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IPSE Press Office
17 Jun 2024
1 minutes

Responding to the launch of Reform UK’s election contract this afternoon, IPSE, the self-employed trade body, said that the party’s pledge to scrap IR35 tax legislation will see it win thousands more votes from freelancers impacted by the rules.

Praising the commitment, IPSE’s policy director said that it was the second major party to highlight the tax rules in its manifesto and that it made “another five years of inaction” on IR35 untenable.

The IR35 rules govern whether a person is ‘employed’ or ‘self-employed’ for tax purposes when providing services through a limited company.

Andy Chamberlain, IPSE’s policy director, said: “IR35 is the top priority for thousands of freelancers and contractors at this election. By pledging to scrap it, Reform will take thousands of votes away from Labour and the Conservatives who have so far neglected to acknowledge the flaws in this damaging legislation.

“Reform have gone one step further than the Liberal Democrats, who committed only to review the IR35 rules.

“In any case, for two major parties to put the spotlight on IR35 in their manifestos will make a likely Labour government think twice before presiding over another five years of inaction on this anti-freelance legislation.”

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