Wednesday 29 January
13:00 - 14:00
Online via Zoom
Free to attend.
Join us for our first edition of Community networking event with our friends at The Portfolio Collective (a community-led business of portfolio professionals). This is the perfect opportunity to expand your connections in a fun, fast hour of networking, meet and discuss all things portfolio careers and discover the many ways you can work differently!
These networking sessions will be run via Zoom. During the 60 minutes, you’ll be split into breakout rooms in small groups that change every 10 minutes, allowing you to meet as many people as possible.
You’re invited to step out of your comfort zone and connect with a community of portfolio professionals on the same journey as you. We’re a friendly bunch – we promise! You really never know who you might meet (or who might just be wowed by your story).
Please book your place via The Portfolio Collective website.
Join us for this transformative webinar where we demystify the winning work process and equip you with leading-edge techniques to help you secure high-paying free...
Join us for a fireside chat with Luan Wise as she shares her self-employment journey and the evolving world of social media.
How do you attract clients, woo them when they’ve landed on your profile, and proactively reach out to them to build meaningful relationships?