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Fireside chat with IPSE Award winner and TV Presenter Alex Outhwaite

Working with tourism boards and destination marketing companies, Alex creates videos and content to promote destinations that are seeking greater levels of sustainable tourism, but which often fall under the radar. Hear more at this fireside chat.

Vicks Rodwell
Vicks Rodwell
27 minutes
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Fireside chat with IPSE Award winner and TV Presenter Alex Outhwaite

TV presenter and content creator Alex Outhwaite won the Social Influencer Award category at the 2023 Freelancer Awards in recognition of her work to attract new audiences to sustainable tourism destinations which judges called “extremely inspirational.”

Working with tourism boards and destination marketing companies, Alex creates videos and content to promote destinations that are seeking greater levels of sustainable tourism, but which often fall under the radar.

In this fireside chat, IPSE’s Head of Membership Kristina Drinkwater catches up with Alex to discuss:

  • Alex’s journey to being a freelance TV presenter, and her experiences that sparked that love for travel and how it has shaped her career
  • Learn about the hurdles Alex faced in the freelance world and how she overcame them
  • Get tips for aspiring freelance TV presenters, including how to create pitches and find the right people to pitch to for work
  • Gain actionable tips on making sustainable travel choices

Youtube: Alex Outhwaite

Twitter: @AlexOuthwaite

Instagram: alexouthwaite

Blog - https://alifewelltravelled.co.uk

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