In the second of a series of IR35 webinars, IPSE’s policy team examines the case law that sets out employment status rules and governs IR35 disputes, and at the r...
In the first of a series of IR35 webinars, hear from the IPSE's policy team about the fundamental principles of IR35 and the recent changes to the rules.
In this guide, we run through the key things you need to know about IR35 as a self-employed professional, including the difference between 'inside' and 'outside' ...
In previous sessions, we've explained the factors behind IR35 status, how the rules have changed over time, and who is ultimately responsibe - and liable - for IR...
In this second instalment of our IR35 Refresh series, we take a closer look at the 2017 and 2021 reforms. We examine the government’s rationale for changing the w...
Andy Chamberlain explains the fundamental principles of IR35 and the key factors that determine IR35 status.