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End client or agency failure cover

Protection if you have an outstanding invoice with an end client or agency that is going bankrupt or into administration.

Hero image Benefit End client or agency failure cover

What is it?

Sadly, businesses can fall on hard times and be forced to shut their doors. In the event that the business going bankrupt or into administration happens to be your end client or agency your outstanding invoice with them will likely not get paid.  

It isn’t fair, and not receiving the payment you’re owed can have serious consequences for you and your business.  

That’s why we provide IPSE Director members with up to £10,000 if an end client or agency goes into administration without paying your outstanding invoices. 

Image block Benefit 1 End client or agency failure cover

How does it work?

To claim for this benefit, you will need to fill out a claim form found on your member dashboard. The claim form will ask you to provide details on the situation, including proof that you have made an attempt to recoup the loss already from the owing end client or agency. Once your claim has been approved by Markel, you will have two options for recouping the outstanding invoices:  

Option 1: Markel will take on the debt and pay you the amount you’re owed, minus a £250 fee  

Option 2: You can wait for the administration to be complete and get the full value of your claim 

Image block Benefit 2 End client or agency failure cover

People who value this benefit usually go for...


Most suitable for you if

You run your business as a Limited company.

£35 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £2,000
  • Jury service cover up to £5,000 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £100k, £500 per day for loss of earnings up to £1,500
  • Managed service company cover
  • Contract failure cover up to £1,000
  • Tax pre-dispute cover
  • End client or agency failure cover up to £10k for loss of earnings
  • Member support programme

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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT