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Contract failure cover

Get compensated for loss of earnings if your end client or agency doesn't meet the terms of your contract

Hero image Benefit Contract failure cover

What is it?

As many seasoned contractors will tell you, you can take all the right steps and precautions, and do some exceptional work, but if your end client or the agency you’re working through doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain, it could all be for nothing.  

It’s a risk that many freelancers take by working for themselves on a project-by-project basis, but it isn’t a risk that they should have to bear the financial burden of.  

As an IPSE Freelancer or Director member, if you find yourself in a situation where your end client or agency doesn’t meet the terms of the contract that is in place, IPSE will compensate you up to £1,000 based on your day rate as per your current contract.  

Image block Benefit 1
Membership category
Level of cover
Up to £1,000
Up to £1,000

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How does it work?

To be eligible to claim for this benefit, your client or agency must have breached the terms of your contract. For example, if your client were to terminate your contract (either before starting or during) without giving the proper notice as outlined in your contract with them, you could claim for the amount owed for that notice period. If they have terminated the contract but followed all the correct procedures from the contract, your claim will not be eligible.  

To claim, fill out a straightforward claim form and send it to our membership team in an email with some additional evidence, then we’ll take care of the rest. If your claim is approved, IPSE will compensate you up to £1,000 based on your day rate as per your current contract. 

FAQ: What if I'm not on a day rate?

Of course, not all self-employed individuals charge a day rate. You may pay yourself a salary through your own company, or work on a project by project basis. If you're on a salary, we'll take your salary less any pension contributions and turn that into a day rate. If you're paid in a different way, such as per project, we'll look at your income for the last 8 weeks and calculate a day rate based on that.

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People who value this benefit usually go for...


Most suitable for you if

You provide your services or products as a sole trader or freelancer.

£24 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £1,500
  • Jury service cover up to £2,500 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £50k, £250 per day for loss of earnings up to £750
  • Managed service company cover
  • Contract failure cover up to £1,000

Most suitable for you if

You run your business as a Limited company.

£35 per month

*minimum annual subscription

Benefits include:

All community benefits
  • Illness and injury cover up to £2,000
  • Jury service cover up to £5,000 per claim
  • Tax & VAT investigation cover of legal fees up to £100k, £500 per day for loss of earnings up to £1,500
  • Managed service company cover
  • Contract failure cover up to £1,000
  • Tax pre-dispute cover
  • End client or agency failure cover up to £10k for loss of earnings
  • Member support programme

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Registered in England and Wales, no 03770926. Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT